

次の英文は、日本の職人を海外に紹介するウェブページの一部です。家具職人として活躍する和子を取り上げられたときの記事の一部です。(  )内の語を正しい順番で並び替えなさい。

Kazuko's father was a furniture maker and had a furniture studio.


Kazuko started to work at her father's studio after she graduated from high school.


Her father always said to her, "I ( furniture / to / people / my / use / want ) for many years. So I always choose the best wood for my furniture."

注 furniture 家具 studio 工房 graduate from ~を卒業する


Kazuko's father was a furniture maker and had a furniture studio.

Kazuko started to work at her father's studio after she graduated from high school.

Her father always said to her, "I want people to use my furniture for many years. So I always choose the best wood for my furniture."

